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The Difference between Giddiness and Vertigo Aug 25th, 2022

Giddiness and dizziness describe feeling  imbalanced, lightheaded, unsteady, as if you are about to faint. It is important to distinguish between feeling dizzy from experiencing vertigo. There are different causes for these types of sensations. Dizziness can be a symptom of vertigo. Vertigo is the sensation of your surrounding spinning....

The Growing Connection Between Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease Aug 19th, 2022

Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia. This disease is characterized by its progressive nature and the loss of cognitive functioning, including thinking, remembering, and reasoning; this often results in problems that impact activities of one’s daily life. As a person with progressing Alzheimer’s disease, there may be changes...

Sciatica Jan 19th, 2022

Overview  Sciatica refers to back pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve due to injury or other conditions. The sciatic nerve is rooted in the spinal cord in the lower back and branches out to run through the hips, buttocks, and down each leg. For some sciatica feels like...

A third of eligible migraine patients were not offered preventive therapy Aug 25th, 2021

The researchers stated that one of the major reasons for the low rate of migraine prevention treatment is that migraine patients do not consult clinicians, and thus do not get an accurate diagnosis. Other reasons include cost, lack of access, lack of awareness, as well as stigma associated with pain....

Neurological Symptoms in Covid-19 "Long-Haulers" Nov 24th, 2020

With the recent announcements of the pending approvals of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for the SARS-CoV-2 virus, there is hope that we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel for the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with 6-figure totals for daily new cases and more than...

New NYNA Tourette Syndrome Study Sep 8th, 2020

For More Information Contact Us:Study Coordinator: Shumaila ButtTel: (917) 633-5549Email: Web: Study Coordinator: Shumaila ButtTel: (917) 633-5549Email: Web: Study Coordinator: Shumaila ButtTel: (917) 633-5549Email: Web:  

Seizures: Understanding and Overview May 29th, 2020

Seizures About 1 in 10 people may have a seizure in their lifetime. Learn more about causes, symptoms, treatments, and what you can do to keep a person experiencing a seizure safe. A seizure is the result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. The severity, duration, and presentation of...

Spinal Stenosis May 21st, 2020

Overview Spinal stenosis is a common condition that occurs when spaces in the spinal canal narrow and create pressure, “pinching” the spinal cord and nerve root. This can result in pain, cramping, weakness and numbness in the lower back (lumbar stenosis) and the neck (cervical stenosis), or less often, in...

Multiple Sclerosis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment Mar 13th, 2020

Overview of Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease of the central nervous system (CNS). It affects an estimated one million people in the United States and has been in diagnosed in more than 2.3 million people worldwide. The condition affects primarily people aged between 20 and 50...

Childhood Migraines Jul 22nd, 2019

Childhood Migraines: An Interview with Dr. Pascal Saremsky Migraine is the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world, with 1 in 7 adults afflicted. However, most undiagnosed sufferers of migraine attacks are children. While research and treatment of migraine in adults has increased over time, migraine remains an underdiagnosed condition...

Tips for Training Memory Jul 17th, 2019

Age-related memory loss can be devastating to the person suffering from it as well as for their loved ones. How is it that some people can recite Shakespeare from memory and others do not remember what they had for breakfast? Genetics is an important factor, but so is our lifestyle....

Ankylosing Spondylitis May 23rd, 2019

Ankylosing Spondylitis is a relatively rare form of primary arthritis that results in the long-term inflammation of the joints in the spine. The signs of Ankylosing Spondylitis generally emerge slowly, typically becoming most identifiable during the patient’s 20s and 30s. Symptoms include ongoing dull pain and stiffness of the lower...

Understanding Peripheral Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment Options Jan 28th, 2019

Peripheral neuropathy is a term that refers to damage in the peripheral nervous system, causing pain, numbness, and other symptoms. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders, more than 20 million people of all ages in the United States are estimated to suffer from some form of peripheral neuropathy....

Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Interview with Dr. Pascal Saremsky Dec 11th, 2018

Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Interview with Dr. Pascal Saremsky According to the CDC, between one and two percent of American children live with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Largely due to advances in medical understanding of autism and improved diagnostic techniques, diagnosis of ASD has increased steadily. Individuals with ASD...

12 Common Causes of the Average Headache Nov 19th, 2018

Common Causes Of Headaches Although they are infrequently a symptom of a more serious condition, the average headache can be distracting and can interfere with your ability to perform your everyday activities. Below are twelve common causes of headaches and some information that can help you to manage and prevent them....

Hip Pain: Causes and Treatment Options Oct 31st, 2018

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint, which allows for fluid movement of our bodies. Whenever we use the hip, a cushion of cartilage minimizes friction as the hip bone moves in the socket. With age, the cartilage can wear down or get damaged. Muscles and tendons in the hip can tear...

Understanding TMJ Disorder (Lockjaw) Oct 25th, 2018

The pain, discomfort, and dysfunction that accompany TMJ Disorder (TMJD) can hamper quality of life, and unfortunately, more than 10 million Americans suffer from this condition. Women tend to suffer from TMJD more than men, and those who are younger more than those who are older. TMJD can make everyday activities such...

Understanding Shoulder Pain Oct 8th, 2018

Shoulder Pain and Anatomy The shoulders are one of the body’s most active joints. We use them when playing sports, when, doing various household chores, and in the most simple tasks such as scratching our backs. Because the shoulder play such a central role in movement, they are one of...

Understanding Back Pain Aug 28th, 2018

Back Pain Back Pain is a common complaint, affecting up to 70% of adults in their lifetimes. Regardless of age, it’s significantly more common among adults aged between 35 and 55. Research shows that back pain may be painful and uncomfortable. Back pain can cause a significant physical and emotional...

Causes of Neck Pain and Treatment Options Aug 21st, 2018

Causes of Neck Pain and Treatment Options  Neck pain is a common complaint across the country, and is particularly prevalent among those who work in sedentary conditions. Most of the time, neck pain is temporary and is not a cause for alarm. However, when pain continues for an extended period...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding the Condition and Empowering Those Affected Aug 8th, 2018

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death among adults in the United States, and almost two-thirds of Americans with the disease are women. About 5.7 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. As life expectancy increases in the United States, individuals are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s during...

Diagnosing and Managing Fibromyalgia Symptoms Jul 25th, 2018

Overview Fibromyalgia is a common chronic pain disorder, characterized by widespread muscle pain and tenderness and frequently accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory, mood issues and cognitive difficulties. The literal translation of fibromyalgia is “pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons.” The pain caused by fibromyalgia can be profound, chronic, and...

How Radiofrequency Ablation Can Help Treat Back Pain Jul 18th, 2018

Back Pain Back pain commonly results from injury, compression, or misalignment of joints in the back. Facet joints connect the back's vertebrae, guiding their range of motion and allowing movement such as bending over and extending the back. The sacroiliac joint connects the sacrum bone of the lower back with the...

The Versatility of Botox in Treating Medical Conditions Jun 5th, 2018

Botox was once most commonly associated with cosmetic uses since Botulinum Toxin partially paralyzes facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. In recent years however, the unique properties of this medication have been further studied revealing a multiplicity of therapeutic uses. Botox injections are now an increasingly widespread component of physicians' toolbox...

Childhood ADHD & Learning Issues: An Interview with Dr. Pascal Saremsky Apr 30th, 2018

Childhood ADHD & Learning Issues: An Interview with Dr. Pascal Saremsky Up to 1 in 10 American children may be affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and even more when including other learning and behavioral issues or Learning Disabilities (LD) like Dyslexia. This can be greatly frustrating for both...

What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and How Can You Treat It? Apr 6th, 2018

What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? The image below shows the Carpal Tunnel, a narrow area at the base of the hand that covers the nerve that provides for sensation in the thumb, index, and middle fingers. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when this tunnel become irritated, inflamed or injured, causing it to squeeze...

How Do I Know If I Had A Seizure? Apr 3rd, 2018

Seizures can be terrifying, both for the person who experiences them and for those who witness them.  Seizures occur in many different forms and can be difficult to identify.  Knowing the common signs of having a seizure can help you to recognize seizure in yourself or friends and family. Types...

6 Common Signs of Dementia Mar 22nd, 2018

Dementia is often thought of as a specific disease that can be treated. The truth is dementia is not a disease, rather it is a way of explaining symptoms that can be the result of a number of different medical conditions. Although dementia is commonly seen with Alzheimer’s, another issue...

A chemical produced by the body is found to help keep the brain healthy and adaptive Mar 15th, 2018

Recent research at UCLA has shed light on how our brains can stay healthy and adaptive. Endostatin is a chemical that is produced by the body naturally and its function is to prevent the creation of new blood vessels. Studies conducted in the 1990s on mice showed that the protein...

Stress is a Culprit Behind Short-Term Memory Loss in Elderly Mar 13th, 2018

Recently, a new study has linked higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol to short-term memory loss in older adults. Scientists from the University of Iowa have published a study in the Journal of Neuroscience demonstrating this idea. The team specifies that although small amounts of cortisol are important for...

6 Common Causes of Fainting and Dizziness Mar 6th, 2018

Common Causes Of Fainting Fainting can be indicative of a more serious health condition. There are several common causes of fainting which range from mild to severe. Issues with the Nervous System Fainting is often caused by an issue in the central nervous system. The central nervous system includes your...

Back Pain: Prevention & Treatment Feb 27th, 2018

Back Pain Back pain is a common complaint, affecting up to 80% of American adults in their lifetimes. Regardless of age, it’s significantly more common among adults aged between 35 and 55. Research shows that back pain may be painful and uncomfortable but it is not usually serious. Regardless, back pain...

Do You Really Need To Train Your Brain? Dec 21st, 2017

You know, you walk into a room, stand there looking around, and then ask yourself, "Now what did I come in here for?" The forgetfulness, becoming easily distracted, losing your train of thought mid-sentence, feeling as if you are enveloped in some kind of murky brain fog...if any of this...

Headaches: Types and Treatment Options Nov 6th, 2017

Tension Headaches Tension headaches can feel like dull, aching pain in the head accompanied by a sensation of tightness or pressure across the forehead or back of the head. Those who suffer from tension headaches may also feel tenderness on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. Tension headaches can either be...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Health Risks and Treatment Options Sep 29th, 2017

                  Our sedentary and screen-time heavy lifestyles have received much attention in the media recently. Excessive sitting, without taking breaks can contribute to obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, depression, and a host of other conditions. Sitting for more than 13 hours a day can double your...

Supercomputer Finds Link Between Neurological Disease and Addiction Feb 10th, 2017

Dopamine signaling is also affected by recreational drug usage, which often impairs the nervous system. Postdoctoral associate at Weill Cornell Medical College of Cornell University Michelle Sahai notes that this research produces a significant basis for more understanding of how dopamine functions in the onset of brain disorders. She also...

Researchers Find Potential Link Between Epilepsy and Alzheimer’s Feb 10th, 2017

According to a study conducted by the University of Iowa that was published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers have discovered a pathway in the physiology of epilepsy. After pinpointing one of the cellular mechanisms that enables epilepsy to develop in prickle-mutant flies, scientists have discovered that...

Connection Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Decreased Brain Function Feb 10th, 2017

Presented at the yearly meeting of the Acute Cardiovascular Care Association which is part of the European Society of Cardiology, this study has serious implications for health experts and patients alike. Levels of vitamin D are usually determined by a blood test. According to the National Institutes of Health, a...

Five Reasons for the Muscles Weakness Feb 10th, 2017

Today we want to speak about the causes of the unexplained muscle weakness.Cause #1 Inactive Lifestyle It’s not surprising that if you don’t use your muscles for an extended period of time, they lose their ability to work hard. It happens because the fibers (within the muscles) are partially replaced with...

What Will a Consultation Cost With a Top Neurologist in NYC? Feb 10th, 2017

Finding the right neurologist for your needs is one of the most crucial steps in your journey toward recovery.  There are a number of things you must consider to get the right fit.  One of the most common concerns is cost.  It is important to know that seeing the top...

Genetics May Provide More Clues to Treating Chronic Pain Feb 9th, 2017

One of the main services we provide at NY Neurologists is pain management. The key to providing relief to sufferers of chronic pain may lie in their genes according to a study that will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s Annual Meeting this year. In defining chronic pain,...

Several Studies Link Cholesterol To Alzheimer's Disease Feb 9th, 2017

Cholesterol, the infamous contributor to strokes and heart attacks, can also cause problems in other areas of your body. In this case, you brain. Studies have linked cholesterol to Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Before getting into the relationship between cholesterol and AD, it’s important to know the difference between good (HDL)...

Are Berries the Best Superfood? Blueberries Treat Parkinson’s Disease Feb 9th, 2017

In the case of blueberries, studies have shown that they might reduce the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. Now, the small blue treat might also help treat brain disorders, including Parkinson’s disease.Around half a million people currently have Parkinson’s Disease in the U.S. and that number is increasing...

Who is the Best Doctor For Headaches in NYC? Feb 9th, 2017

Suffering from chronic headaches can be life limiting. Therefore, it is important to select an expert in treating headaches and pain management. Finding the best doctor for headaches in NYC is not as hard as it may seem - you can find them at NY Neurology Associates.NY Neurology AssociatesThe team...

Are There Natural Ways to Boost Memory? Feb 9th, 2017

In fact, the earlier you adopt healthier living practices, the greater protection you have against memory issues.Eating RightAdopting healthy eating habits is one of the best things you can do to boost memory. Your body, including your brain, function better when you eat a well-balanced diet that includes fruit, vegetables...

Can Happiness be Measured by an Equation? Scientists Say Yes Feb 9th, 2017

With research involving 18,000 participants all over the world, the team believes that moment-to-moment happiness could be predicted by the recent history of a participant’s expectations, specifically concerning choices that could either lead to good or bad results. The main focus of the study was pinpointing how the choices people...

New Study Finds Costs of Bleeding Strokes Increase a Decade Later Feb 9th, 2017

According to a new study published this year, the cost of treating strokes caused by bleeding in the brain actually increase ten years after the stroke occurs. Published in the American Heart Association’s journal Stroke, the study was conducted in Australia and is the first to analyze ten years worth...

Am I Having a Stroke? 5 Common Signs of Strokes Feb 9th, 2017

Strokes are a serious medical condition that are among the leading causes of death in the United States.  Although people over age 65 are most likely to have a stroke, strokes can occur at any age. Knowing the risk factors of having a stroke can help you to answer the...

NYC Neurologists Treating Migraines with Botox Injections Feb 9th, 2017

Treating migraines is a highly specialized field, with treatment plans that must be built on the specific needs of each individual in order to be successful.  Selecting the top neurologist in NYC ensures you’ll receive the best treatment for your migraines.  Below, we'll briefly go over treating migraines with Botox...

What Causes Migraines? Feb 9th, 2017

Migraine headaches are one of the most commonly treated headaches. Unfortunately, they are often misdiagnosed, leaving suffers with unregulated pain.  Knowing the signs of a migraine can help you have an informed conversation with your doctor about what you’re experiencing.Migraine Causes and SignsMigraines are different than other types of headaches because they...

Neurological Basis for Human-Pet Relationships Explored in New Study Feb 9th, 2017

In this study, researchers examined the differences in brain structures when women viewed images of their pets and their children. Published in the journal PLOS ONE, the study has various implications on the bond women have with both biological and “adopted” children. Previous research has already demonstrated the depth of...

Weak Brain Blood Flow Causes Brain Damage in Sleep Apnea Feb 9th, 2017

About 10% of all adults have this condition, which causes extreme daytime sleepiness, anxiety, depression, and memory issues. According to a study published in PLOS ONE, the damage caused to the brains of people with sleep apnea is due to a weakened brain blood flow. Conducted at the UCLA School...

Reality of Near Death Experiences Examined in New Study Feb 9th, 2017

Some believe these experiences are no more than hallucinations conjured by the brain in times of great distress, while others might think these serve as proof of an afterlife. Published in the journal Resuscitation, a study examining the claims of survivors that had near death experiences suggests there is much...

New York Scientists Discover How Neurons Become Cancerous Feb 9th, 2017

By focusing on a tumor suppressor known as Merlin, the team was able to identify how the growth of tumors can be halted and what occurs that allows tumors to develop. This research is groundbreaking because understanding the signaling system and how Merlin is able to suppress tumors paves the...

Introducing Strokefinder: Microwave Helmet That Identifies Stroke Type Feb 9th, 2017

In a groundbreaking new study, scientists from the Chalmers University of Technology, Sahlgrenska Academy, and Sahlgrenska University Hospital successfully demonstrated the Strokefinder’s abilities to differentiate between bleeding and clot-induced strokes. This information is vital to save a patient’s life due to the differences in medication that must be administered depending...

Music and the Brain: Is There a Correlation? Feb 9th, 2017

Presented at the British Psychological Society annual conference in Birmingham, the research was conducted at the Department of Psychological Sciences at the University of Liverpool. In these studies, music and language are shown to share the same pathways in the brain. Medical News Today had already reported a few months...

Emotional Effects of Stroke Examined in New Research Feb 9th, 2017

According to research conducted at the University of Aberdeen, there are emotional effects of a stroke that can last up to eighteen months after its occurrence. Published in the British Journal of Clinical Psychology, this research could have could have immense weight on the types of treatment used in the...

Reports Find Vitamin E May Help Prevent Strokes Feb 9th, 2017

A stroke is caused by a blockage of blood vessels due to a build-up of fatty acids. Upon experiencing a stroke, people are treated with aspirin that prevents blood clots. Patients may also be treated by tissue plasminogen activators which are the only drugs approved by the FDA to treat strokes...

Researchers Achieve Direct Mind-to-Mind Communication Feb 9th, 2017

Two people were separated by 5,000 miles and neither one had to speak or write a word. Considered the brain’s way of instant messaging, neuroscientists and robot engineers used multiple forms of neurotechnologies to send these messages between one person in India, and another in France. Researchers from the Beth...

Neuronal Changes Might Predict Onset of Diabetes Feb 9th, 2017

Published in the journal Cell Metabolism, the study builds off of previous research linking diabetes with changes in the brain. Prior studies focused on the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) that function as protein building blocks. Excessive levels of these amino acids are found more often in obese and diabetic patients...

Does A Genius Have A Large Brain? Feb 9th, 2017

Most people measure the intellect of an individual by providing an IQ test, which focuses on measuring reasoning, vocabulary, memory, brain processing speed, logic, mathematics and spatial reasoning. Individuals who excel in those areas are often considered geniuses. But then there are those individuals who are considered geniuses in the...

Head Injuries Make Immune System Attack Brain Feb 9th, 2017

It involves preventing the immune system from destroying the brain. This research showed that with experiment in mice, immune-based treatments effectively decreased the size of brain lesions. Scientists involved with the study note that this research could help avoid brain damage from accidents and protect sports players in football, boxing,...

New York Downtown Manhattan's Top Rated Brain Doctor Feb 9th, 2017

Brain Doctor Downtown ManhattanThis starts with a scheduling process that allows patients to be seen quickly in locations that are easily accessed by a number of transportation methods.Manhattan Brain DoctorNext, the diagnostic process starts off with a full medical history and physical exam. These findings allow the top rated brain...

Where to Find NYC's Top Neurologist and Pain Center Feb 9th, 2017

Top Neurologist In NYCWhen an individual has a chronic pain or a neurological condition, receiving the best care is key to recovery. The best way to achieve this is by working with the top neurologist in NYC. The top neurologists have a strong educational background, are active in their field...

Best Reviewed Long Island Neurology Centers 2015 Feb 9th, 2017

Neurological concerns are serious conditions that require the best physicians and treatment centers.  With the number of options available for Long Island neurology, knowing which one to choose can be difficult.  There are several things you can do to locate the best center and doctor for your treatment. Reviews  One...

Where to Go For Effective Pain Management in New York City Feb 9th, 2017

The truth is, these steps are rarely effective, which can leave suffers frustrated and unsure of where to turn. In order to receive the best care, it is important to find the right pain management NYC to address your needs.Effective Pain ManagementThe right pain management center n New York City...

New York City's Premier Headache Specialist Feb 9th, 2017

This is done with a focus on personalized care and providing the exact support necessary for their patients to return to their everyday activities and to improve their quality of life.Top Headache SpecialistDr. Gary Starkman is consistently rated as a top headache specialist in NYC.  Founder and medical director of...

Best Back Pain Doctors in NYC Feb 9th, 2017

However, when back pain becomes chronic or you’ve been unable to get relief, it is time to see an expert. The best pack pain doctor NYC experts will provide pain management and treatment that is tailored to your exact needs.When to See a DoctorIt can be difficult to know, at...

NYC Pain Management Treatment Options and Costs Feb 9th, 2017

Living with pain can be life altering. Simple tasks can become difficult and a person can begin to with draw from activities that once seemed enjoyable. Thankfully, pain management treatment by a specialist can allow a person to receive relief and regain their quality of life. Unfortunately, it is a...

The Best Treatment Options Available for Headaches Feb 8th, 2017

Millions of people report experiencing headaches in their lifetime.  For some, having a headache is a rare occurrence.  For others, chronic headache pain can interrupt their life. The best treatment options for headaches are provided when an expert is able to create a treatment plan based on your specific needs. ...

How Do Headache Injections Work? Feb 8th, 2017

Often, people with serve chronic headaches have trouble managing their pain with over the counter medication. Because of this, frequent headaches are a major cause of individuals seeking help from a doctor. Headache InjectionsThere are a number of different headache injections available which provide different benefits based on a person’s unique...

Everything You Need to Know About NYC's Downtown Neurologists Feb 8th, 2017

Neurologist Downtown NYCDoctors who specialize in the study and treatment of the brain and nervous systems are known as neurologists. These individuals treat a number of ailments including strokes, headaches, nerve pain and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Finding the right neurologist downtown NYC has to offer is possible, by...

What Are The Most Common Causes of Headaches? Feb 8th, 2017

Headaches are a common occurrence.  In fact, it would be difficult to find someone who has never had a headache. The vast majority of the time, a headache is nothing to be concerned about. However, severe headaches, headaches that do not improve with treatment, or reoccurring headaches may be indicative...

What To Look For When Choosing From NYC's Neurologists Feb 8th, 2017

Selecting from all the neurologists NYC has available can seem daunting at first.  Knowing what questions to ask and what things to look for can make this process easier. Guidelines to Locate the Top Neurologists NYC: Referrals Many individuals receive referrals from their primary physician for a neurologists.  Often, there is a list...

Reviewing the Top Neurologists in Downtown Manhattan Feb 8th, 2017

Your selection of the right neurologist should be based upon a number of criteria. The topics below can make narrowing down the field of neurologists in Manhattan a little easier.Finding the Top Neurologists in Downtown ManhattanReferralsThe best place to start when looking for a neurologist is referrals. Many people seek...

Common Causes of Memory Loss - It's Time to See a NY Neurologist Feb 8th, 2017

Generally speaking, memory issues are a normal part of getting older.  Typically, if you’re having temporary memory issues, there is no cause for concern.  However, if memory difficulties are interrupting your life, it is time to speak with a physician.  Knowing common causes of memory loss can help prepare you...

A Pinched Nerve and Headache Feb 7th, 2017

Let’s find out how a pinched nerve in the neck can cause head pain and how it can be treated.What is a pinched nerve?Medically known as cervical radiculopathy, a pinched nerve in the neck can be caused by one of the diseases, such as:   Herniated disc – the inner consistency of...

What is the Average Copay When Seeing NYC's Top Neurologists? Feb 7th, 2017

Financial concerns are a major factor for those who are seeking medical care. It is common for people to want to find relief from their symptoms. A foremost concern is how one can obtain medical care without adversely affecting their finances. Ideally, a person should be able to seek help...

Common Causes of Fainting and Dizziness Feb 7th, 2017

Common Causes of FaintingIssues with the Nervous SystemFainting is often caused by an issue in the central nervous system. The central nervous system includes your brain, your spine and all of the nerves in your body. Together, this system controls every other system in your body. Sometimes an issue occurs...

Who is the Best Neurologist in Long Island? Feb 7th, 2017

When looking for a neurologist in Long Island, it is important to select a physician who is seen throughout the industry as an expert - an individual with the training, education, and experience to diagnose and address your neurological concerns.  Identifying the best neurologist Long Island has to offer is...

Can Botox Injections for Back Pain Really Work? Feb 7th, 2017

Botox Injections For Back PainBotox is commonly used in pain management in order to provide relief for a number of ailments. When done by a pain management specialist, injections for back pain can be very successful. Before determining if Botox injections for back pain are right for your needs, your...

Are Constant Headaches a Sign of a Brain Tumor? Feb 7th, 2017

Individuals from all walks of life can get headaches.  The occasional headache, or a headache that is the result of another medical issue, like a sinus infection, are typically not a concern.  Many sufferers of reoccurring or continual headaches wonder if there is a link between their headaches and brain...

Tips to Help Boost Your Memory Feb 7th, 2017

It is widely accepted that as individuals age, their memory begins to decline. This natural decline in memory is normal as long as it does not begin to impact your ability to perform your everyday activities. While memory issues are a normal part of the aging process, there are a...

Migraines vs. Headaches - Explained by NYC's Top Headache Specialist Feb 7th, 2017

Headaches ExplainedHeadaches are, simply put, the feeling of pain or pressure in your head. The exact location, type of pain or severity can help a doctor determine the exact type of headache you’re experiencing. Knowing the type of headache you have allows a top headache specialist NYC create a treatment...

Reasons You Should See a Doctor About Back Pain Feb 7th, 2017

Back pain can be one of the toughest conditions to live with. After all, every movement we make requires the use of the back and spine. Unfortunately, finding relief from back pain is often elusive. Chronic back pain often does not react to over-the-counter medication and requires the expertise of...

What Should You Know about Carpal Tunnel Injection? Feb 3rd, 2017

It is steroid injection into the carpal tunnel area of the wrist which is usually prescribed due to entrapment of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel.What are the reasons for this procedure?The main reason is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS). In the normal state, the median nerve runs from the...

Three Natural Ways to Fight Headache Feb 1st, 2017

The headache pains can make our life insufferable, transform it in a row of painful challenges with which we try to cope taking the aspirin. In its turn, the aspirin can bring only temporary relief and with time even perpetuate the problem.  Look, when you try to fight the symptoms,...

Can Your Head Be The Cause Of Back Pain? Jan 29th, 2017

Back pain is a normal complaint among individuals affecting up to 80% of a given population once in their lifetime. Regardless of age, it’s significantly more common among adults aged between 35 and 55 years. Research also shows that back pain may be painful and uncomfortable but it is not...

How Does Botox Treat Migraines? Jan 29th, 2017

Migraines, for those who are unfortunate enough to have them, can leave you drained. Not only are they painful, but the sensitivity to light and sound can leave you immobile for hours. The throbbing and pulsing pain is rarely helped by conventional medications and time usually does the trick to...

What Will a Consultation With an NYC Neurologist Cost? Jan 29th, 2017

Some individuals delay going to see a specialist because of their financial concerns.NYC Neurologist ConsulationSeeing a top neurologist in NYC does not have to break the bank. There are several things patients can do in order to minimize their out of pocket cost.Cost of NYC Neurologist ConsultationThe cost of seeing...

Two Natural Ways for Relieving Headache Jan 29th, 2017

Moreover, medicals like the aspirin will only smooth the symptoms and with time will only perpetuate the ailment. Treating headache, we have to remember about the causes of it and avoid concentrating only on symptoms. What we want to offer is natural remedies for curing the headache which will help...

Headaches: Definition and Causes Jan 27th, 2017

Recent research shows that approximately 49% of adults all around the world have experienced a headache within last year. Headache disorders can be symptoms of other conditions or lead to the development of other ailments. Interesting fact, that depression is more likely for individuals with severe headaches than for healthy...

New Drug Combats Binge Drinking Brain Effects Jan 25th, 2017

When a woman has four or more drinks in one sitting or when a man consumes five or more drinks at once, this is known as binge drinking. It is the most common form of alcohol abuse in America. 90% of the alcohol people under 21 consume is through binge...

Getting Rid of Headache Naturally Jan 24th, 2017

We have bad days which are complemented by a severe migraine and what then? All we have to is to go for the easiest way out – to pop a painkiller –and that’s all? As a result, we get rid of symptoms for a short period of time and later...

Connection Found Between Anxiety and Alzheimer’s Jan 20th, 2017

Symptoms of mild cognitive impairment include changes in cognitive functioning, which include thinking and memory abilities. Such changes should be observable by the patient or others, but not advanced to the point of affecting a person’s everyday life, according to physicians at NYC Neurology. Roughly 10-20% of all people over...

Sense of Smell in Women Might be Result of More Neurons Than Men Jan 17th, 2017

Using a tool they created known as the isotropic fractionator, they realized that women have more brain cells in their olfactory bulbs than men do. This is the region of the brain that allows us to smell. Published in the journal PLOS ONE, this study used the fractionator to determine...

Connection Between Oxytocin in Blood and Cerebrospinal Fluid Jan 13th, 2017

Now, a team of scientists located at the Stanford University School of Medicine may have discovered a connection between levels of oxytocin in the blood and in cerebrospinal fluid, which surrounds the brain. Low levels of this hormone in either CSF or blood have been linked with higher levels of...

Research Shows Neurotic Personalities at Risk for Alzheimer’s Jan 11th, 2017

Published in the journal Neurology, the study followed 800 women over the course of 40 years. Started in 1968, it required participants to take a personality test measuring levels of neuroticism and extroversion. Women in the study were asked if they ever experienced long periods of severe stress and then...

How is ALS Diagnosed? Jan 6th, 2017

ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurological disease that affects tens of thousands of people in the United States.  Every year, an additional five thousand people receive an ALS diagnosis.  Commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, ALS occurs when the nerves begin to break down, making every day activities...

Where To Go in NYC For Pain Management Jan 4th, 2017

In order to have the best results, it is important to select a pain management doctor in NYC who is dedicated to understanding each patient as an individual and creating a treating plan that fits their exact needs.  Knowing where to go for pain management in NYC can be the...

Herniated Disc: What You Should Know? Jan 3rd, 2017

Herniated disc, also known as a slipped or ruptured disc, can occur in any part of the spine, but it is more typical for the lower back. Moreover, this problem is one of the most common causes of the low back pain and sciatica (leg pain). Today’s medicine worked our...

What Are The Signs of a Herniated Disc? Dec 27th, 2016

 If the issue is untreated, nerve damage can occur, resulting in lifelong difficulties performing every day activities.  Therefore, it is important to see a specialist if you’re experiencing the signs of a herniated disc.  Understanding what a herniated disc is and how it impacts your body can help you to...

NYC's Best Reviewed Neurologists and Neurology Centers Dec 21st, 2016

NY Neurology AssociatesNeurological treatment is a specialized field.  Doctors must know and understand the brain and nervous system.  They must have the experience to recognize issues and the ability to create treatment plans that address each patient’s exact needs.  Each physician must be highly education and seen as an expert...

Are Pain Management Treatments Expensive? Dec 15th, 2016

While there is a financial component to receiving treatment for pain, when compared against the cost of being unable to live life to the fullest – there is no comparison.The Cost of PainYou would be hard pressed to determine a monetary amount that would cover the amount of suffering a...

3 New Treatments For Chronic Back Pain That Will Surprise You! Dec 12th, 2016

Back pain is termed “chronic” when it has been present for over three months. Common causes of back pain include herniated discs, scoliosis, sciatica, and injuries. However, no direct cause for chronic back pain is known. It is believed to stem from the aforementioned conditions. Therefore, treatments for chronic back pain...

Top Reviewed Neurologists in NYC Dec 5th, 2016

Even in a medical hub like NYC, it can be difficult to locate and select the right doctor.  Thankfully, the checklist below can help you to find the top neurologists in NYC. Top Neurologists in NYCFinding the right neurologist is not a simple task.  There are many things to consider.  Make...

Can Botox Injections Be Used As Back Pain Treatment? Dec 1st, 2016

All About BotoxBotox is created from a toxin, Clostridum botulinum, which can cause fatal food poisoning.  When used in miniscule amounts, Botox is able to prevent muscles from moving, without causing issues in other parts of the body.  This treatment works because Botox impacts the nerves of a muscle. This...

What To Ask a Headache Specialist During Your Consultation Nov 29th, 2016

To find relief and a treatment plan that addresses all of your concerns, it is best to speak with a headache specialist.  Headache specialists focus on identifying the cause of headache pain and creating a treatment plan that addresses both the severity and frequency of the headaches.  During your initial...

Do All Neurology Centers Take Insurance? Nov 28th, 2016

Finding the right provider for your neurological issues can be difficult. There is usually a need to balance your medical needs with your financial needs. Thankfully, medical insurance provides a way to get the best of both worlds. Individuals with insurance can be seen by the top neurology NYC providers...

Who are the Best Neurologists for Migraines - NYC Locations Nov 21st, 2016

Best Neurologists Chronic migraines are one of the most common reasons individuals seek the care of a neurologists. More than just occasional headache pain, migraines can be severe and life altering. For those who are looking for relief, it is important to work with the best neurologists who specialize in...

Who is the Best Neurologist in NYC? - Top Neurology Experts Nov 21st, 2016

LocationLocation is an extremely important factor when looking for a neurology center.  Locations that are difficult to reach or are inaccessible via public transportation can result in frustration when scheduling appointments.  The best neurologist in NYC will have multiple locations, all of which are fully staffed and available for appointments....

Is Memory Loss Hereditary? Nov 16th, 2016

Memory loss can be a normal part of aging.  Forgetting where keys were placed or neglecting to pick up your dry cleaning is likely not the result of a serious issue.  However, when memory loss begins to make preforming everyday tasks difficult or begins to impact your quality of life,...

Relationship Between Alzheimer’s and Down Syndrome Explored Nov 11th, 2016

Since the most common chromosome abnormality results in down syndrome, it is very prevalent, with 1 in 700 newborns in the U.S. being diagnosed every year. It occurs because of an extra copy of chromosome 21, specifically. 25% of those with down syndrome will have symptoms of Alzheimer’s dementia by...

Man Previously Paralyzed Walks After Nose Cells Fix Spinal Cord Nov 8th, 2016

With the help of a frame, the surgery enabled a bridge to be formed over the injury so that nerve cells (which were helped by special nose cells) would reform along the scar tissue. Darek Fidyka was paralyzed from the chest down after a stabbing that occurred in 2010. He...

Find Unique Migraine Treatments in NYC Nov 2nd, 2016

For some individuals, migraines can be debilitating, making everyday tasks unbearable.  For many headache sufferers, over the counter medications do little to address the pain. In addition to seeing a pain management expert, there are a number of unique migraine treatments that you can try to manage your migraine pain.Unique...

Can a Pinched Nerve in the Neck Cause Headaches? Oct 28th, 2016

Headaches can be the result of a number of medical conditions.  The type of pain, frequency, location, and severity of the headaches provide the first key to understanding what is causing the headache.  Any other symptoms you’re experiencing with the headaches provide other vital pieces of information.  By identifying the...

Vitamin E Linked to Preventing Memory Disorders Oct 28th, 2016

What Makes Vitamin E So Special? This vitamin acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing unstable molecules that can damage cells. It also protects vitamin A and certain lipids from damage. Of course, it’s also available as a supplement, which has been shown to protect against prostate cancer. Vitamin E exists in...

Substances Found in Raw Cocoa Might Reverse Memory Decline in Elderly Oct 25th, 2016

Studies in the field have shown that this decline of memory has been linked to altered function in the dentate gyrus region of the brain. Although numerous studies claim this is the case, it has still been a struggle for scientists to prove a connection between memory decline and the...

Having Headaches? Consider Seeing an NYC Neurologist Oct 17th, 2016

An occasional headache is typically no cause for concern. A headache a few times a year that is easily resolved with over the counter medication will not require medication. However, chronic headache sufferers have a much different experience. If you’re having frequent headaches, headache pain that is constant or severe...

How Migraines are Being Treated by Botox Injections Oct 13th, 2016

These headaches are severe and make even the simplest daily tasks nearly impossible. Unfortunately, migraines are often resistant to over the counter medication, making professional treatment the only way to receive relief.Botox and MigrainesOne successful treatment method is Botox. Botox and migraines treatment often go hand in hand, as the...

Identifies Six New Genetic Risk Factors for Parkinson’s Disease Oct 11th, 2016

With Parkinson’s Disease becoming more prevalent in the world everyday, researchers are racing to find a cure. Genetics provides clues on how scientists might combat the disease. New research published in the journal Nature Genetics from the National Institutes of Health found that a state-of-the-art gene chip successfully pinpointed six...

Research Proves Nerve Signals Are Sound Pulses Not Electric Currents Oct 6th, 2016

Although scientists understand much about this process, there have been many debates between two different models of how these nerve signals work. According to a revolutionary new study published in the journal Physical Review X, the latest theory is most likely correct. Originally, these nerve impulses were thought to be...

Scientists Discover New Gene That Could Lead to Parkinson’s Treatment Oct 3rd, 2016

By discovering a new gene involved in the process of Parkinson’s, the team hopes to pave the way for future studies looking to identify better treatments and even a cure. There are currently between four to six million people that suffer from the disease globally, and 50,000-60,000 new cases are...

New System to Improve Hand Functioning After Nerve Damage Oct 3rd, 2016

Such a device will be the first of its kind to help mechanical movement and forces while being placed inside the body. After testing the device on cadaver hands, researchers realized that this form of technology could possibly provide new alternatives to patients who have lost use of their hands...

Klotho Protein Protects the Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease Sep 30th, 2016

In a recent study conducted at the Boston University School of Medicine, researchers found that a specific protein may help delay the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. Published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, they learned that by pre-treating neurons with the anti-aging protein, Klotho, neuron death was diminished when the...

Combination of Neuroscience and Psychology in New Discipline Sep 28th, 2016

However, science still does not explain variations in the brain of patients in therapy, which some researchers believe is crucial to understanding its effectiveness. Numerous mental illnesses including depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, addiction, and eating disorders plague 25% of the world’s population. Although therapy “holds the strongest...

A Diet That Can Improve Cognitive Function Feb 4th, 2014

Many people don't realize that the solution can be as simple as changing their diet. Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids and foods rich in antioxidants have all been found to lower your risk of debilitating diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. These diseases attack the brain and impair your ability to...

Foods That Boost Your Memory Dec 19th, 2013

It's actually the opposite. They are confident that they can give the general public the information needed in order to take charge of one's life.  Knowledge equals power. The more knowledge one has about how to boost memory, the more power that person will have in taking action to fight the...

Can You Live With Half a Brain? Oct 7th, 2013

Not in the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde sense. Neither are we all paranoid schizophrenics. I mean that we are all basically “two thinking beings” taking up space in the same body. In other words, we have one brain, with different halves, functioning independently, at the same time.   Our brain,...

You're Hungry - Says who; Your Stomach or Your Brain? Oct 7th, 2013

You cook if you’re not too lazy or in a rush. You finish eating – 7:30 am. The rumbling ceases. The pain is a distant memory. You’re full. Your day can begin.So what just happened? Why was your stomach rumbling? Why did it hurt? Well, that’s redundant – you were...

3 Points To Consider When Choosing a Neurologist in NY Aug 28th, 2013

People see neurologists after head injuries, seizures, unexplained headaches, memory problems and a wide array neurological symptoms.Here are a few suggestions for helping you choose the best neurologist for your situation. Work with your treatment team. If you're at the point where you're seeing a neurologist, you've probably been through several doctors...