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What Are The Most Common Causes of Headaches?

Headaches are a common occurrence.  In fact, it would be difficult to find someone who has never had a headache. The vast majority of the time, a headache is nothing to be concerned about. However, severe headaches, headaches that do not improve with treatment, or reoccurring headaches may be indicative of a medical concern.  Understanding what causes headaches can help you to avoid triggers.


Headaches Explained

In their simplest form, headaches are pains in the head.  Depending on the type and cause of the headache, the pain can be localized or spread across a large portion of the head.  Headaches can gradually increase in pain, onset quickly, and can be accompanied by other symptoms.

Causes of Headaches

Headaches may be caused by a variety of factors.  If you have recurring headaches, keeping a log of your activity can help you to identify what may be triggering them.  Common causes of headaches include:

Being aware of these common causes of headaches can help you identify what may be triggering your headaches, so that you’re able to make adjustments to avoid the headaches in the future.   Frequent headaches or severe headaches may indicate a more serious medical concern and should be evaluated by an expert with experience treating headaches. 

Types of Headaches

The most common headaches typically fall into one of the following categories:

If you suffer from headaches and are unable to get relief or if you want additional information on the common causes of headaches, speak with an expert who can diagnose and treat your issues.  To schedule an appointment, please complete the form linked below or give NY Neurology Associates a call at (212) 987-0100.

NY Neurologists

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