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The Versatility of Botox in Treating Medical Conditions

Botox was once most commonly associated with cosmetic uses since Botulinum Toxin partially paralyzes facial muscles, reducing the appearance of wrinkles. In recent years however, the unique properties of this medication have been further studied revealing a multiplicity of therapeutic uses. Botox injections are now an increasingly widespread component of physicians' toolbox for treating a host of conditions. 

Non-cosmetic Botox Applications

Migraine Treatment

Botox has been extremely successful in the treatment of chronic migraines.  It is often considered when other treatment options have not worked or have resulted in side effects that are more severe than the underlying issue. Botox may work to minimize migraines by partially blocking the release of Substance P, a neurotransmitter responsible for communicating pain signals.

Excessive Sweating

Excessive sweating can be an embarrassing and inconvenient problem.  Individuals with hyperhidrosis can sweat through clothes and can feel socially awkward and physically uncomfortable due to extreme sweating even in cool temperatures. Botox may be used to block signals from the brain to the sweat glands, thereby reducing excessive sweating.  

Overactive bladder & Incontinence

Overactive bladder is a serious concern for women over age 40.  Symptoms include the need to urinate frequently, even shortly after using the bathroom.  Women with this condition may also have accidents when they’re not able to reach the bathroom in time.  Botox may be used to address this issue when injected into the bladder. This helps to reduce the excessive feeling of urinary urgency.

Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy occurs when one side of the face becomes paralyzed.  The condition may occur after an illness or as a result of another neurological condition.  Bell's Palsy typically resolves itself within a few months.  However, in long-term cases, Botox may be used to relax muscles that are tight as a result of the palsy.

Eyelid Spasms

Some individuals experience eye twitching, where their eyelids spasm uncontrollably.  While the condition is not life-threatening, it can decrease a person’s quality of life.  Botox injections have been shown to stop twitches in the eyelids for months.

Cervical Dystonia

Cervical dystonia is a condition in which muscles spasm uncontrollably.  These spasms may contort muscles in abnormal ways or into uncomfortable positions.  Botox has been shown to address both the contortion and pain that result from cervical dystonia. 


If you suffer from any of the above issues and want to know if Botox injections are right for you, contact New York Neurology today. If you would like to schedule an appointment or check for availability, please click "Book Online" below or call (646) 679-6609.


NY Neurologists

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