6 Common Signs of Dementia

Dementia is often thought of as a specific disease that can be treated. The truth is dementia is not a disease, rather it is a way of explaining symptoms that can be the result of a number of different medical conditions. Although dementia is commonly seen with Alzheimer’s, another issue such as stroke and cancer can result in the common signs of dementia. The best way to treat dementia and its root cause is an early diagnosis. Knowing what to look for as the common signs of dementia can help you or a loved one the support needed for the best possible outcome.
Signs Of Dementia
Memory Issues
Memory issues are typically the first sign of dementia. These memory losses impact short-term memory, so a person may have no trouble remembering the events from five years ago, remembering yesterday may be a problem. Simple lapses in memory like not being able to find a person’s keys occasionally are not a cause for concern. The memory lapses associated with dementia can make a person’s daily routine difficult.
Communication Issues
Having difficulty finding the right words while speaking is a common sign of dementia. A person may have a hard time explaining something or may have trouble figuring out the right words to convey an emotion or an event. If this begins to happen frequently, it is worth a trip to the doctor to investigate further.
Mood Issues
Changes in mood are common for those with dementia. Part of the changes may be triggered by difficulty with memory and communication. Both of those things can result in frustration and a change in mood. Depression is also common for those who have dementia.
Apathy Issues
If suddenly a person seems to not care about items, activities or people that they once enjoyed it may be an early sign of a memory issue. This often happens along with other cognitive declines that make completing their once favorite tasks difficult.
Confusion Issues
Being confused can be a clear sign of dementia. This can occur as memory issues become worse and a person has a difficult time understanding how people, places, and things work together in their daily lives.
Repetitive Issues
A person who repeats tasks or communication may be exhibiting signs of dementia. You may find a person performing the same movement or task over and over again, seemingly without the awareness that they are doing so.
If you or a loved one is exhibiting the common signs of dementia, it is time to speak with an expert. The staff at NY Neurology Associates includes a team of doctors who work with each patient to understand their specific neurological needs and design a treatment plan. If you would like to schedule an appointment or check for availability, book online or call (332) 255-5726.
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