Migraines vs. Headaches - Explained by NYC's Top Headache Specialist
Headaches Explained
Headaches are, simply put, the feeling of pain or pressure in your head. The exact location, type of pain or severity can help a doctor determine the exact type of headache you’re experiencing. Knowing the type of headache you have allows a top headache specialist NYC create a treatment plan that directly addresses each patient’s needs. Types of headaches include:
- Cluster Headaches – These headaches affect the sides of the head and are usually moderate in severity. They may be accompanied by other symptoms like a runny nose.
- Sinus Headaches – Sinus headaches are sometimes mistaken for migraines. Sinus headaches are the result of pressure within the sinuses and having other symptoms such as facial pain around the sinus area.
- Tension Headaches – Tension headaches occur due to physical or emotional stress. Addressing the underlying cause of the tension often provides relief.
Migraine Headaches Explained
Migraine headaches are typically moderate to severe in pain and often have an additional symptoms including:
- Changes in vision
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Pain that seems to be located behind the eye
- Being sensitive to light or sound
- Vomiting
- Pain that only affects one side of the head
- Pain that may be throbbing
Headache Specialist NYC
Migraine headaches can be so severe that they prevent a person from completing their everyday tasks. Some individuals experience pain so severe that they seek help at an emergency room.
Types of Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches typically have two types. Those that occur with an aura and those that occur without one. An aura is a visual change or change in sensation that occurs before the onset of a migraine. Examples of auras include:
- Having feelings of confusions
- Visual disturbances such as seeing flashing lights or lines
- Feeling numb in the fingers or toes
- Tasting, smelling or feeling something unusual
For some individuals, an aura provides enough notice about an oncoming headache that they are able to take medicine to prevent or lessen its onset.
The best way to know if your headache is a migraine is to speak with a headache specialist NYC doctor. If you would like to schedule an appointment or check for availability, please click below or call 212 987-0100.