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How Migraines are Being Treated by Botox Injections

These headaches are severe and make even the simplest daily tasks nearly impossible. Unfortunately, migraines are often resistant to over the counter medication, making professional treatment the only way to receive relief.

Botox and Migraines

One successful treatment method is Botox. Botox and migraines treatment often go hand in hand, as the process can significantly reduce the symptoms of chronic migraine.

Botox and Migraines Treatment

Botox is often thought of as a medicine that has a cosmetic effect on the body. While Botox is used to avoid the signs of aging, it also is commonly used in the treatment of a number of health issues, including chronic migraine. When it is used to treatment migraines, Botox injections are given every 12 weeks. To accomplish this, injections are done in several places in the face, back of the head, and neck. Although multiple injections are needed, the treatment method is nearly painless becasue small needles are use.

Treatment sessions take between 10 and 15 minutes during an outpatient procedure. After treatment, patients typically notice results within the first two weeks. A small number of migraine sufferers will not receive relief during the first treatment, but the follow-up dose ususally provides relief. Therefore, it is suggested that patients try two rounds of Botox and migraine management to determine its true effect. If the treatment is successful, it is repeated at 12 week intervals to continue successful pain management.

Choosing Botox Treatments for Migraines

There are a number of treatment options available for addressing chronic migraines. Determining if Botox is the right treatment method will be based upon a number of factors, including:

Botox and migraine treatment is commonly used on individuals who do not respond well to other medications. Botox injections for migraines are covered by most major insurance carriers. Before selecting this treatment, be sure to understand your level of coverage from your insurance company.

To learn more about Botox and migraine treatment, contact the experts at NY Neurology Associates today. If you would like to schedule an appointment or check for availability, book online or call 212 987-0100.

NY Neurologists

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