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Are Constant Headaches a Sign of a Brain Tumor?

Individuals from all walks of life can get headaches.  The occasional headache, or a headache that is the result of another medical issue, like a sinus infection, are typically not a concern.  Many sufferers of reoccurring or continual headaches wonder if there is a link between their headaches and brain tumors.

Constant Headaches and Brain Tumors

Even with a history of headaches, having a link between your constant headaches and brain tumors is rare.  Although headaches can be a symptom of brain tumors, the headache itself is not what brings individuals in for medical care.  Typically, there are other neurological issues that make a doctor aware that the headaches and other symptoms might be an indication of a bigger problem.

Symptoms of a Brain Tumor

Although a headache alone is generally not an indication of a brain tumor, as many as 60 percent of individuals with brain tumors experience headaches.  Those headaches can mimic the symptoms of a migraine, can feel like a tension headache or can gradually build and then cease over a matter of hours.  Unless other symptoms are experienced, a headache on its own does not cause alarm.

There are some symptoms that, along with headaches, may need to be evaluated closely, including:

It is important to note that all of the above symptoms can also occur with other medical issues.

Diagnosing a Brain Tumor

It is almost impossible to diagnose a brain tumor based upon headaches alone.  Typically, another symptom, like vision changes, is the trigger for a person to see a physician and to result in the necessary diagnostic testing.  An MRI is often the first diagnostic tool to determine if a brain tumor is present.

For many headache sufferers, it is comforting to know that there is often no link between constant headaches and brain tumors.  However, suffers of constant headaches should seek the opinion of a headache expert to determine what can be done to manage their headache pain.  Schedule a consultation today to address your concerns about constant headaches and brain tumors.  Please submit your information using the link below or call 212-987-0100.

NY Neurologists

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